Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Today's Journaling

So started a new week, back to my 8-5 work schedule. I have just been so tired these last two months working a 4/10 schedule. I don't care if I have an extra day off a week, because I'm so exhausted by the end of the week, I need that time to rest; and, I didn't really rest, because I was either washing clothes, trying to put them away, keep my house half-way clean, seems there is always something to do. 

These last two weeks, the 10-hour a day schedule was really catching up to me, just . . . so tired! I may need to start taking a vitamin, B-12, something. I have an appointment with my primary care doctor in August, ad we need to have a talk about that.

So other than than always complaining, I do have to always remember how blessed I am. God knows what I need when I need it. I do have to praise Him for the 15% salary increase that I just received . . . wow!  The last time I had that big of a salary increase was back in 1991-92, when I got a 12% salary increase not long after starting my job with the City of San Bernardino. I have good memories and not-so-good memories, but I thank God for always providing for me (and us) financially. The Word of God says in Psalm 37:25 (NKJV) I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread. God is truly a good God!

So I went to the mall at lunchtime today to get a new battery for one of my watches. The last time I went to do this, I took two watches for new batteries for $50. I was blown away at the high cost. Wasn't sure I'd go back to this place again. But one of the batteries went out, actually they are both out again, and it didn't seem like it was that long ago . . . so to make a long story longer, I went back, had lunch at Hot Dog On A Stick, The Box . . .it was a lot. When I went back to pick up my watch,I wasn't charged a thing! Again, I am counting my blessings today. And may He prosper businesses who are good to His people.

It's a good day, truly blessed and highly favored!

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