I am reviving my blog, as I've always thought blogging was fun and a great way to journal. You can also have do your business with your blog, and can talk about whatever is on your mind and share with others. You never know when you can minister to another who may be going through the exact same thing, as the say goes, "if you think you are going through a time, there is someone else who has it worse than you do." So we should take life one step at a time, one day at a time, as today is only promised. We may not see a tomorrow.
Please join me in following my blog by clicking on the "follow" button on the right-hand sidebar, just scroll down until you find it. I look forward to being more active on my blog, as I think I have lots to share with others, and believe that we can learn from each other. Feel free to provide your comments. A disclaimer that I do have the right to post and/or not post any comments after they are reviewed.
I will be keeping most of my older posts from the beginning of my blog. I can't believe how long ago this was created. It all started when I found My Space, and the start of my virtual assistant business.
Last thing as I close this post is to share with you God's amazing love, his wonder plan for us, eternal life. God has a purpose and plan for us all! Ask me more . . .
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