Wednesday, July 25, 2018

So Hot . . .

So woke up early this morning because it was stuffy in the house after moving the air up a notch . . . got up, turned the air down a notch and the air came one . . . sat in my rocker and dozed off till time to wake up for work. My usual takes me to going into the garage, opening up both doors, and the air was cool in the back yard, but stuffy in the garage. I put water in the water bows in back and in the garage, and proceeded out the big door to the front to put fresh water in the bird baths . . . but, before I got out the garage door, I was stopped when I just happened to see in the small recyle bin a baby possum . . . oh! Well, if I wasn't all the way awake, that woke me up . . . I thought should I take the trash bin and let it go in the back yard, we see them along the back wall, let it go, but no, couldn't do it. So what did I do,

I went inside and woke up my husband, and, of course the baby possum in the trash bin got him up. We both went out to the garage and when he got to the trash bin, he jumped just like I did, because there wasn't one baby, but two! Oh, Lord, as he said that means the mama is somewhere nearby. He took the trash bin out back and let the babies out of the trash and one scampered away while the other, well, my husband had to use his cane to move him along. Well, that is a story you don't hear everyday. My husband said the animals may have been passing through the garage last night . . .we leave the doors open late especially no hot weather. Never found the mama, but I'm sure she was somewhere, maybe she got locked out when the doors were closed, but the babies were in the trash, and someone was eating at the doggie bowl in the garage which had food and water, but it was just a yucky mess this morning.

Not the usual . . . so how did you start your day today?

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