Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Today's Journaling

So started a new week, back to my 8-5 work schedule. I have just been so tired these last two months working a 4/10 schedule. I don't care if I have an extra day off a week, because I'm so exhausted by the end of the week, I need that time to rest; and, I didn't really rest, because I was either washing clothes, trying to put them away, keep my house half-way clean, seems there is always something to do. 

These last two weeks, the 10-hour a day schedule was really catching up to me, just . . . so tired! I may need to start taking a vitamin, B-12, something. I have an appointment with my primary care doctor in August, ad we need to have a talk about that.

So other than than always complaining, I do have to always remember how blessed I am. God knows what I need when I need it. I do have to praise Him for the 15% salary increase that I just received . . . wow!  The last time I had that big of a salary increase was back in 1991-92, when I got a 12% salary increase not long after starting my job with the City of San Bernardino. I have good memories and not-so-good memories, but I thank God for always providing for me (and us) financially. The Word of God says in Psalm 37:25 (NKJV) I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread. God is truly a good God!

So I went to the mall at lunchtime today to get a new battery for one of my watches. The last time I went to do this, I took two watches for new batteries for $50. I was blown away at the high cost. Wasn't sure I'd go back to this place again. But one of the batteries went out, actually they are both out again, and it didn't seem like it was that long ago . . . so to make a long story longer, I went back, had lunch at Hot Dog On A Stick, The Box . . .it was a lot. When I went back to pick up my watch,I wasn't charged a thing! Again, I am counting my blessings today. And may He prosper businesses who are good to His people.

It's a good day, truly blessed and highly favored!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

So Hot . . .

So woke up early this morning because it was stuffy in the house after moving the air up a notch . . . got up, turned the air down a notch and the air came one . . . sat in my rocker and dozed off till time to wake up for work. My usual takes me to going into the garage, opening up both doors, and the air was cool in the back yard, but stuffy in the garage. I put water in the water bows in back and in the garage, and proceeded out the big door to the front to put fresh water in the bird baths . . . but, before I got out the garage door, I was stopped when I just happened to see in the small recyle bin a baby possum . . . oh! Well, if I wasn't all the way awake, that woke me up . . . I thought should I take the trash bin and let it go in the back yard, we see them along the back wall, let it go, but no, couldn't do it. So what did I do,

I went inside and woke up my husband, and, of course the baby possum in the trash bin got him up. We both went out to the garage and when he got to the trash bin, he jumped just like I did, because there wasn't one baby, but two! Oh, Lord, as he said that means the mama is somewhere nearby. He took the trash bin out back and let the babies out of the trash and one scampered away while the other, well, my husband had to use his cane to move him along. Well, that is a story you don't hear everyday. My husband said the animals may have been passing through the garage last night . . .we leave the doors open late especially no hot weather. Never found the mama, but I'm sure she was somewhere, maybe she got locked out when the doors were closed, but the babies were in the trash, and someone was eating at the doggie bowl in the garage which had food and water, but it was just a yucky mess this morning.

Not the usual . . . so how did you start your day today?

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


So today I walked across campus at work and when I do that I just have to stop by the library, read the local newspaper and always, a magazine (Better Homes & Gardens). On my way out, I just happened to stop by the counter of used books and stuff that the library puts up for sale. There were some LPs, who remembers what these are . . . anyway, and I picked up a couple of used books, I just love books--"Rich Man, Poor Man," I loved that TV miniseries back in the day, so going to read the book. I'm a big book/movie person, have read a lot of John Grisham books and then saw the movies, The Pelican Brief, The Rainmaker, A Time To Kill, all great books and movies. I also picked up a Joyce Meyer devotional, "Ending Your Day Right"--all for .50 cents. When you think of the high cost of school books and books in general, I just don't get the high costs, when they turn around and resell them for a lesser price. But, .50 cents, now that's a steal!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Business Networking

Went to bunco last night, met up with several businesswomen. Had fun, I love bunco, if you've never played this game, well . . . it's just a lotta fun. We all had time to share about our businesses, and then we all won "bunco bucks" to shop from our businesses. So I had an order from one of the ladies. I love my TASTEFULLY SIMPLE business!  http://tinyurl.com/ts-denapeters

Working It

Working today, and the district (San Bernardino Community College District) has implemented a new budget system, and trying to get familiarized with this new system. It is with Oracle, a major company. How do you deal with having to learn something new?  Frustrating, to see the least, but I'll figure it out.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Job Opportunities

There is a Sunday School class from Immanuel Baptist Church in Highland who put together a weekly or biweekly email with a list of job openings. I have been posting these on Facebook, and will also share on my blog. We also post this list on our information board at our Victory Outreach Church of San Bernardino store. We recently found out that a member submitted an application to one of these job postings and got a call back for an interview. So, if you are looking for a  J-O-B, check out this list, it's quite lengthy, and do your part to find what you are looking for.

07/01 /2018
Jobs for This Week:
·         Warehouse Jobs – in Corona, CA.  $12.00/hr.  (951) 902-6352
·         Warehouse Hiring for Food Production Line, Pickers, Packers, Heavy lifters, Cold Environment – in Riverside, CA.  $11.50-$14.00/hr.  (951) 344-4710
·         General Labor/Trabajo Laboral – in Fontana, CA.  Call Oiselem Villa (909) 913-1375
·         Express Employment Professionals – is seeking Landscapers in the Inland Empire, CA.  $12.00/hr.  (909) 308-0879
·         Skilled Trailer Mechanic needed – in Bloomington, CA.  Call (708) 603-4231
·         Loading and Unloading Tires – in Fontana, CA.  Call Raffi Jankouzian (909) 854-2628
·         Rack Installer needed – in Chino, CA.  Call Jonathan (972) 572-0033
·         Proworks Staffing – is seeking Sanitation Workers in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.  Call (909) 953-8500
·         Proworks Staffing – is seeking Food Handlers in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.  Call (909) 953-8500

Back to Work

So it was back to work today after a five-day holiday and vacation time off. I can't believe how HOT it was these last few days. It's business networking bunco party tonight with my women business associates. I need to get back into working my businesses. Not so much this year, just not feeling it. These last five days not having to go to work, looking more towards retiring so I can do more for others through my church, my business and in my community.

I am so glad to see that many of the dogs that were out running the streets due to the fireworks that went off the last week, so many animals so frightened--it's good to see some happy endings and fur babies being reconnected to their owners.

It's Blog Revival Time!

I am reviving my blog, as I've always thought blogging was fun and a great way to journal. You can also have do your business with your blog, and can talk about whatever is on your mind and share with others. You never know when you can minister to another who may be going through the exact same thing, as the say goes, "if you think you are going through a time, there is someone else who has it worse than you do." So we should take life one step at a time, one day at a time, as today is only promised. We may not see a tomorrow.

Please join me in following my blog by clicking on the "follow" button on the right-hand sidebar, just scroll down until you find it. I look forward to being more active on my blog, as I think I have lots to share with others, and believe that we can learn from each other. Feel free to provide your comments. A disclaimer that I do have the right to post and/or not post any comments after they are reviewed.

I will be keeping most of my older posts from the beginning of my blog. I can't believe how long ago this was created. It all started when I found My Space, and the start of my virtual assistant business.

Last thing as I close this post is to share with you God's amazing love, his wonder plan for us, eternal life. God has a purpose and plan for us all! Ask me more . . .