I am in the process of reviving my blog, which has been dormant for quite some time now. I still have my virtual assistant business alongside my full-time job, as well as a couple of direct marketing business with Tastefully Simple and Magnabilities. My blog moving forward will consist of my work and businesses and just what happens in life. There is so much to talk about, put down in writing, journal. I think I will start by updating my blog journal and see where this takes me.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Twice the Life in 2009!
What a year it's been! For many it has been filled with trials and adversity. It has been a time of great economic uncertainty. And those who live along the Gulf Coast have persevered through one of the most serious hurricane seasons we've faced in years. Yet even in the midst of these earthly trials, 2008 has been a time of great joy and God's abundant blessings.
. . . I have realized that when we face the pressures of life, when financial concerns, health issues, and fears about the future tempt us, we need to remember and claim the promises of God more than ever.
We can't allow the negativity — the reports of doom and gloom — to take root in our hearts and control our thoughts. If you are going to receive everything that God has for you in 2009, you need to keep your faith and hope in the Lord strong through the end of this year.
Let me encourage you to remember God's Word and all of the abundant promises of His protection, provision, hope and a future. These promises become even more significant when we find ourselves troubled.
We have to remind ourselves that God's not mad at us. He's not mad at you — He's madly in love with you. He knows exactly what you are facing, and though you may not feel like it, He has a "double portion" of blessing planned for you and your future. Look at what it says in His Word:
Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt, your inheritance in the land will be doubled and your joy go on forever (Isaiah 61:7 The Message).
What an amazing promise! The prophet Isaiah was speaking to a group of hurting people who refused to give up. They put their trust in God. They didn't let the circumstances of life steal their joy or the promises of a great future. God promised to reward them, and, like always, God made good on His promise.
In 2009, believe that God wants to give you double for your trouble. He wants to give you twice the life — twice the joy, twice the faith, twice the peace, twice the love and twice the hope that you've ever known.
Twice the life doesn't mean that we won't have problems. We're always going to face challenges and obstacles, but we've got to believe that God is for us and He has good things in store for you and me. We have to be determined not to look at how big our mountains are but focus on how big our God is!
Tired, discouraged, negative people drain the life from others. But positive, faith-filled, encouraging, enthusiastic people bless others everywhere they go. They are always looking to give and be a blessing to others, and God promises to give back to them a double portion. No matter your current circumstances, look to share a simple compliment, a kind gesture, a listening ear. These simple gestures can make all the difference in the lives of those around you. Keeping a positive attitude of faith is the key to God unleashing His peace and power in your life.
Would you like to have twice the energy in 2009? What about twice the peace? Twice the answers to your prayers? Twice the satisfaction or twice the purpose? Whatever it is you need today, God wants to give you double for your past troubles!
God's Word says it's possible. All you have to do is be faithful and believe.
It doesn't matter if your past was dark . . . your future is bright. If you feel like you missed your chance . . . it's never too late. And even if you've experienced good things . . .your best is yet to come.
Today is the time to expect greater opportunities, new possibilities, divine connections and miraculous open doors.
Remember, God wants to give you a double portion — or as I like to say . . . twice the life.
This is what I'm expecting in 2009. I want you to have twice the life — to be twice as effective. I want twice the lives to come to know Christ.
This can happen if we finish the year strong together. We can't afford to be afraid, shrink back or quit; we must hold true to our faith. God wants to give you twice the life so you can be blessed and so that you can be a blessing to others. God asks us to give generously, not reluctantly — so that in all things and at all times we will abound for every good work (2 Corinthians 9:7-8).
When I think about all that our nation — and world — is facing right now, I know that Jesus Christ is our only true hope. Our faith must be strong, and our efforts to reach people for Christ must be more effective than ever . . . in fact twice as effective.
Finally, take some time to ask God to give you twice the life in 2009. There is no end to what God can do when you believe.
Expecting great things in 2009.
Taken from Joel Olsteen Ministries
December 30, 2008
One Small Step
It's that time of year to whip out your 2008 goal lists and review what was great about the past year and what you want to change for the coming year. Some people get excited when the year-end comes so they can create their new goal lists. Other people get frustrated by their lack of progress in the previous year.
Like I always tell my coaching clients, there are only three reasons to look back into your past.
1. Look at worked and why. Whatever process that made one area of your life work successfully can be used for success in another area.
2. Check out what is not working and turn it into a goal for the future. If you got into debt last year, decide that your goal this year will be to pay down some or all of that debt.
3. Celebrate any and all progress you made. Success happens one step at a time. Momentum is created and soon you'll have an avalanche of beautiful manifestations.
Creating new habits and practices to make manifesting your goals easier should be something you address. For instance, if you rarely take time out for relaxing during your work week, you'll need to implement a new relaxation practice. How will you begin this practice when you feel like there is never enough time in the day to get your tasks done? One small step at a time.
You may begin with sitting down and reading a favorite book while you eat your morning toast or drink your coffee. It may only be ten minutes of relaxing, but that ten minutes will set your mood and vibration in a higher state for the rest of the day. The next small step may be to take a ten minute walk at some point during each day. Or it may be to set a timer to go off every hour to remind you to stop what you are doing and simply breathe for a moment.
You see, most people tend to think they have to go for the gold medal the first time they try. If they don't succeed they say, "See it didn't work. Why bother?!" This is a set up for disappointment and judgment. Any progress is worthy of acknowledgment, even if small. When you're focused on what is working well, you get more of what is working well. If you focus on your progress never being enough, you'll never make enough progress.
Moving up the vibrational scale also happens one small step at a time. If you find yourself angry about a goal not manifesting, let it be okay that you feel angry. Next, see if you can embrace your anger. Then aim at feeling neutral. Next would be the feeling of possibility or hope. Eventually you'll find yourself in belief that your goal will be attained.
Small steps really can be the short cut to everything you desire. Add to that a big dose of pats on your back. Smile inwardly and outwardly when any progress is made and you'll be delighted at the massive amounts of joy and miracles you experience.
Cheers to a mega fun 2009! May you enjoy every small step!
(C) 2008 MasterPeace Coaching
Jeanna Gabellini, CPPC, Law of Attraction Expert, publishes the weekly ezine Designing Your MasterPeace. If you're ready to attract more money, a growing business, and great relationships with fun and ease, get your FREE tips and tools now at www.MasterPeaceCoaching.com
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
"The Simple Truths of Appreciation"
This really touched my heart this morning, and we all should be more sensitive to those around us all year round, and not just during the holidays. I really do appreciate those people who are in my life!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Obama Defends Choice of Evangelical Pastor
Obama Defends Pastor Warren
Daily Motivation
there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.
-- Peter F. Drucker
Watch This Movie!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Thank you for your comments and support of this important City project. For additional information please contact: Jeff Smith/EDA 909-663-1044; jsmith@sbrda.org.
Stop Negative Self-Talk! Five Ways to Build Confidence and Happiness - By Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D.
Recognize non-empowering thoughts
If we believe everything that is put in front of us, we are not exercising our creativity and the power of our own mind. We are taking the easy road and subscribing to mainstream thought, which often does not have the equivalent of goodness. It's easier to let someone else do your thinking, isn't it? To shift away from negative, self-defeating thoughts, you must first recognize them. Here are a few classics: "I am not beautiful nor talented. I can't be happy. Life is hard. The world is a terrible place. I will probably fail. I'll never make any money." Awareness of what we are thinking is the first step, so learn to listen to your words, whether mental or spoken.
Set a new mental equivalent
What we think, and how we set our mental equivalent on any given day, sets the tone for what the universe will provide for us. If we want success, prosperity, better relationships, more self-confidence, or love, then that's where our mind needs to be -- not once in a while but all the time. Substitute the disasters on the morning news with a sense of positive expectation for your day. Rise out of negativity in as many ways as you can identify. Think great thoughts about everyone. See yourself as a success and that you've come to the planet with a gift. Practice verbal harmlessness (no swearing!) and know you are a worthy individual. Switch on the positive thought channel the minute you arise each day and consciously invite abundance and opportunity into your experience.
Know that thoughts create reality
In today's merge of mysticism, psychology, religion, science, and philosophy, western thinking is moving away from hard data and proof. Our culture is interested in illustrating the concept that thoughts create reality. Logical positivism had its field day, and people are beginning to embrace the power of the mind at the intuitive and spiritual level.
To turn negative self-talk around, you must discover where your mind is ingrained with patterns of negative expectation. This was discussed in the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know!?" Our neuro networks become ingrained in patterns that make us search for a chemical "hit" in our interpretation of reality. In a nutshell, when we continue to stay in negative thought patterns that do not serve our higher purpose, we are destined to keep repeating the same life experiences over and over again because we will never view reality any differently. Our lives will never improve, and living with joy seems unattainable because we are generating more of what we don't want.
Negative thoughts have a physical effect on our bodies
Our thoughts, memories, and emotions are not only part of our mental programming, but have a physiological effect on our bodies. Scientists have determined that we hard-wire our own brains by our associative memory: our associations with people, events, times, places, and things. We assign emotions to the memories recorded in complex strings of nerve cells wired together. The strings become networks of information we can access automatically at any time.
Connections between our nerve cells are strengthened when repeatedly stimulated in a process called "long term potentiation." Through associative learning, our brains are not only programmed by ordinary experiences but by extreme circumstances. Trauma actually changes the structure and function of the brain.
We rely upon many automatic programs to function. Neural networks give us an opportunity to shift into "cruise control." We don't have to think about making every keystroke when typing; we just do. We've established the network by repetition.
Thoughts affect our bodies, especially any thoughts that have become patterns that don't serve us well. For example, putting yourself down is based upon old information and not the powerful, present moment. Old experiences like despair, low self-esteem, and self-pity are emotions that give us a chemical boost of neuropeptides, which guide our perception of our current day choices.
Cancel old thoughts and substitute powerful ideas
Want to feel better and stop negative self-talk? Prune your old negative programming and take charge of your current circumstances. New positive thoughts create new systems in the brain, which produce new chemistry associated with new emotional change. Break your "put down" habit neuron-by-neuron and learn to react differently to life! The next time you catch yourself in a put-down, say out loud, "I cancel that" and instantly substitute a new and powerful thought about you.
It's vital to remember that your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and physicality are intertwined. Negative self-talk down can make you feel unmotivated and physically ill. Moving your mind to a new way of being is a healthy habit you need to cultivate. Here are 5 quick ways to shift to the positive self-talk channel:
1. Check your state of mind. Choose your own attitude and emotions, not another person's outlook on life. Focus your intentions in the present moment. Because we have a choice, life originates in the mind first. As within, so without. Be consciously aware of what you want to create -- and claim it as your unique mantra.
2. Focus on today. Step away from old memories, past relationships, and hurts. Attend to the present. Find joy in what you bring to the table today. Take a deep breath, stay centered, and remind yourself you are a gift to the world!
3. See the big picture. In the universal equation, today is but a blink in time. Move gracefully through difficult moments with ease because you are not stuck there permanently -- you are going "through it"! You can do this without depleting your energy reserves by making a commitment to doing so. Remember, life goes all too quickly. Make each day count and quit wasting your energy on negative thoughts, unproductive thinking, and who said what to whom 10 years ago.
4. Release negative expectation. Focus on what YOU can do to contribute to a better world and not what others expect you to do. Pace yourself. As you practice positive expectation, you'll find that better circumstances will be attracted to you naturally. Have faith in the process!
5. Be thankful. There is no better way to change your energy than to turn up the volume on thankfulness. If you are thankful for what makes you happy, by the Law of Attraction, the universe will provide you with MORE to be thankful for. Be generous with gratitude -- to those in your life who care, to your Higher Power, and to yourself for beginning an individual spark of Divine Power. Your natural state is unlimited abundance, so be thankful for all you are and your journey.
© The Goddess Network, Inc. and Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D. 2007. All Rights Reserved.
About the Author:
Dr. Charlene M. Proctor is the founder of The Goddess Network, Inc., an online educational resource for topics on spirituality, relationships, and women's studies. Author of "Let Your Goddess Grow!" she is a researcher and educator in the field of women's empowerment and develops self-empowerment strategies for women in all walks of life. She is a subject matter expert for Beliefnet.com. Her affirmations from "The Women's Book of Empowerment" reach 2.7 million web visitors daily. She currently facilitates the PATH to Empowerment program for Lighthouse Path in Michigan, a residential women's shelter for homeless mothers, teaching them how to cope with life and increase self-esteem and confidence. To learn more, visit http://www.thegoddessnetwork.net
Check out the Experts page for Charlene M. Proctor, the Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to Positive Thinking.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Power of 10%
Just imagine if we gave 50%, 75% or 100%--how much power would be available and the things that could be accomplished!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
San Bernardino Downtown Core/Vision Plan
REMINDER NOTICE: Please share this information with your business, neighborhood associations and other colleagues, co-workers and professional associations. Come & see what exciting progress has been made & provide your important input to keep the process moving on schedule.
Downtown Core Vision/Action Plan
The City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency is in the process of preparing a Vision/Action Plan for the Downtown Core of San Bernardino. You are invited to the Community Open House-Update on Thursday, November 13, 2008, 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm, at the Former Woolworth Building - Lobby Area, 396 North E Street.
For comments/information contact Jeff Smith, EDA Sr. Urban Planner 909-663-2298.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Chili's Night Out
Hopefully, this will help to kick-start future funding events to update the shelter, which is in need of a complete overhaul.
My neighbor, who is a general contractor, won a bid to work on one of the old facilities. Our neighbor just got his contractor's license and has been looking for work, so this goes to show that the bid process works, if you apply it. Thank you, city officials for hiring local people.
Veteran's Day Holiday
Veterans Day originally was held every November 11th, and though it typically falls on this day, officially the holiday is now observed on the weekday that falls closest to November 11th every year. It was first incorporated as by President Wilson as Armistice Day in 1919. Other countries today also still recognize November 11th as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day in honor of the Armistice treaty which ended WWI.
It was in 1938 that Armistice Day was enacted as an official American holiday. But eventually after WWII, citizens felt that the veterans of all wars should be recognized, not just those of WWI. So in 1954 Congress changed the name from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. In America, the holiday now celebrates the approximate 2.9 million U.S. veterans with parades and ceremonies among other events.
From Patriotism.org, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
University Hills & Planning Commission
Here is an excerpt of the agenda item:
RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the hearing be closed and that the Planning Commission recommend that the Mayor and Common Council:
1. Certify the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (Attachment F);
2. Adopt the Environmental Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations (Attachment G);
3. Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan (Attachment F);
4. Approve the University Hills Specific Plan No. 07-01;
5. Approve General Plan Amendment No. 08-03;
6. Approve Tentative Parcel Map No. 18969, Tentative Tract Map No. 18696 and Tentative Tract Map No. 18140 based on the Findings of Fact contained in the Staff Report and subject to the Conditions of Approval (Attachment C) and Standard Requirements (Attachment D);
7. Approve Development Agreement No. 08-02, subject to modifications recommended in the Staff Report.
Animal Shelter Renovations Night
Chili's cordially invites you to come out and support the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter.
On Animal Shelter Renovation Night, Chili's will donate 10% of the sales you bring in to this organization. You will get to enjoy a dinner out and support the City Animal Shelter at the same time!
Animal Shelter Renovation Night is:
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
4:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Only at:
Chili's San Bernardino
475 E. Hospitality Lane
San Bernardino
Hope to see you there. Pepper in some fun!
Distributed by Dena Peters
5th Street Bridge Grand Opening Ceremony
If you have questions please do not hesitate to call us at (909) 886-8188. RSVPs are recommended by end of day Tuesday, November 4. Thank you for your time and we look forward to seeing you at the event!
Information provided by:
Jane Dreher
Public Information Officer
San Bernardino Associated Governments
Friday, October 24, 2008
University Hills
Follow the tabs/links to the Current Projects for University Hills.
This project is still in the planning stages and is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission in November. This project is similar to the proposed Paradise Hills project from back in the early 90's.
The Great Shake Out
Friday, October 10, 2008
Neighborhood Meeting
A Member of San Bernardino
Neighborhood Cluster Association
Please join us for a “neighborhood meeting”
7:00 P.M.
Where Will We Meet?
324 W. 40TH STREET
San Bernardino
(Cross Streets/40th & Electric Ave.)
Who’s Invited?
All who are concerned about keeping our neighborhoods safe and clean,
And who have a vision for the City of San Bernardino,
and want to be “in the know” on the future of this great community!
Contact (909) 800-2619 for more information.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I-215 Widening Project September 2008 Newsletter
Inland audience drawn to televised debate
The Press-Enterprise, Sept. 27, 2008
Young and old, Democrat and Republican alike settled into white plastic patio chairs and a sofa draped in a red, white and blue afghan on Friday night to watch a big-screen TV in the home of San Bernardino City Councilman Chas Kelley.
Shouts of "right on," cheers and jeers erupted in a crammed San Bernardino living room as a politically mixed, sometimes-contentious group gathered to watch the season's first presidential debate.
Kelley, a Republican, opened his event to the public and said he welcomed people of all political parties. Tim Prince, a Democratic candidate for Republican Rep. Jerry Lewis' seat, stopped by midway through the debate. But opposing sides clashed at times with dueling commentaries that drowned out the TV.
The Kelley family gathering was one of several throughout the Inland area Friday night, as John McCain and Barack Obama met in Mississippi for their first debate. Purely partisan events took place at Democratic and Republican headquarters across the Inland area, including at the Marriott in downtown Riverside, where Obama supporters charged a $5 entry fee.
The events were often equal parts social and political, with friends and strangers sharing potluck dishes and, at Kelley's home, bowing their heads in prayer at the start of the night. Families settled into chairs side-by-side, children lounging on the pale-blue carpet as family cats ran through the room.
About 40 people watched the debate in the Winery at Canyon Crest in Riverside, whose owners, Kevin and Carolyn Craig, advertised the event through the Obama campaign's Web site. The mixed crowd that included 20-somethings and senior citizens sat around wood and glass café tables and leaned against the marble bar to watch.
The crowd seemed in a cheerful mood from the start as people sipped wine, some poured from bottles with Obama's likeness on the label. There was laughter and applause as a couple of Obama supporters walked in wearing Hillary Clinton and John McCain masks.
During the debate, the Obama supporters at the winery seemed confident. Many laughed at times when Obama stung McCain, as when he turned to his opponent and said "John, 10 days ago you said the fundamentals of the economy are sound."
They booed at McCain's first mention of his running mate, Sarah Palin. Much of the time, though, the debate-watchers' faces were serious as they listened intently to each candidate's arguments.
Patricia Small, of Loma Linda, buried her head in her hands as McCain talked about Obama's willingness to meet with foreign leaders hostile to the United States, then laughed hard when McCain initially mispronounced Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's name.
"McCain, he wanders too much," she said.
Amy Conger, who arrived in the Hillary mask and later wore a baseball cap that said Obama Mama, said she thought Obama should have hit harder.
"Obama was too polite," said Conger, 65, of Riverside.
Greg Lewis, 25, said he found out about the winery event through an e-mail from the Obama campaign, but he's still keeping an open mind about the race.
"I'm pretty sure I'd like to vote for Obama but this is one of the ways I'll make sure," said Lewis, of Moreno Valley.
Lewis thought McCain did well with his answers on the Middle East, but he was unimpressed with McCain during the first half of the debate when the questions focused on the economy. "Total nonsequitur" was Lewis' reaction when McCain brought up his support of nuclear power.
"It seems like McCain is going off on many more tangents than Obama, especially his nuclear power tangent which didn't seem to relate to the question in any way," he said.
The San Bernardino viewers were more certain about their pick for president, saying they already knew whom they would vote for before the debate and were undeterred by the candidates' performances. Most agreed that neither candidate offered a clear, specific answer to questions about how to solve the financial crisis.
The crowd included a few first-time voters and plenty of differing opinions, fueling some testy exchanges.
Tempers flared repeatedly as one Democrat, Sam Clauder, clapped loudly, talked back to the TV and critiqued McCain amid the Republican-leaning crowd at Kelley's house. Clauder works with the San Bernardino Democratic Central Committee and several Inland Democratic campaigns. At one point, two viewers walked out in frustration when he failed to heed calls for quiet.
Debate moderator Jim Lehrer's questions about the nation's financial crisis and the war in Iraq drew starkly different responses from the viewers, with many people nodding in agreement or furrowing their brows in disgust when they disputed something one of the candidates said.
An exchange between Obama and McCain over what to do about the war in Iraq prompted more heat in Kelley's living room than on the University of Mississippi stage where the candidates stood.
Clauder and an equally loud McCain supporter shouted taunts at one another, to the irritation of other viewers, over whether the United States has made any progress in Iraq and when and how troops should leave.
"Where's Osama Bin Laden?" Clauder shouted over his shoulder to the McCain supporter, an apparent reference to the Bush administration's failure to capture the leader of the al-Qaeda.
When McCain accused Obama of being naïve about Russian politics, the McCain supporter concurred, "that's right" from a back room where a second TV broadcast the debate. The McCain backer was Robert Peters, a 48-year-old veteran from San Bernardino. Peters said he is registered with the American Independent Party but plans to vote for McCain.
"Come on now," Kelley implored good-naturedly, trying to soothe tempers, although he offered his own exuberant applause for McCain's remarks on several occasions. "Drill, baby, drill," Kelley exhorted when McCain talked about drilling for oil.
Reach Michelle DeArmond at 951-368-9441 or mdearmond@PE.com
Reach Shirin Parsavand at 951-368-9645 or sparsavand@PE.com
Monday, September 29, 2008
E-Mail Etiquette Tip
without their permission to do so.
Unless an onliner provides you with their
e-mail address through your site or specifically to
receive information about your commercial
enterprise, you simply should not e-mail them.
Regardless of how much you think they need
your product or service or how desperate you
are to market your business, blindly e-mailing
strangers is not an acceptable marketing practice.
Doing so can get you blacklisted and labeled
as a spammer and your ISP can cancel your
account and shut down your Web site.
This E-mail Etiquette Tip is provided as a
courtesy by: http://www.NetManners.com
When Success is Slow, What Can You Do?
Pop Quiz: Can success be sped up? Is there an antidote to slow outcomes despite arduous planning and actions taken? What is the secret for seeing huge results right now?!
I get versions of these questions frequently from people who feel frustrated at sluggish progress in their success journey - despite all the know-how and principles they rigorously employ.
But first, let's get one thing straight...
When we admire someone else's success, or even our own, we often focus on the end result and not so much on the effort, time, discipline, and setbacks that it took them to get there.
This can often cultivate unrealistic expectations and frustrations, especially the idea that overnight success can happen through careful strategy and execution of sound advice.
Truth be told, success typically follows a series of little events and achievements that include a few disappointments along the way, which challenges everything about you to the core--your stamina, courage, integrity, and even your willingness to keep going.
If you focus on what's not working, guess what: You're likely coming from a place of aggravation as your mind wraps around all that is wrong. You may even have negative thoughts like "I'm not good enough," "It will never work," or "Something must be wrong with me."
What this does mentally is engender more of these counter-productive feelings. And given what we know about the Law of Attraction, you attract what you are feeling. Negative experiences, people, and results will beget more negative experience, people, and results. There's not much success in that.
The key, then, is to focus on what IS working.
To do so, I recommend two simple practices: journaling and meditation.
Maintaining a journal (I call it an Evidence Log, Results Journal, or Gratitude Journal) is a great way to steer your attention to the positive and it helps to continually renew your vision for yourself. Start each day with reflections on what you are grateful for in your life (list them out!) and end each day with notes on what went right (again, write them down), however small.
Meditation can be a powerful tool for arriving at solutions to problems and shifting your attitude so you can attract success sooner rather than later.
The magic of meditation is its ability to essentially shut down the outer layer of your judgmental, highly-critical brain and allow your unconscious mind to take over. This is where you enter a deeper state of inner peace and joy, tapping into a higher level of creativity that will help usher in the results you want.
Through the practice of meditation you will begin to become even more aware of your subtle intuitive impulses, insights, ideas, emotions and inspirations.
Don't know how to meditate? Lots of books and materials are available to guide you this practice. It's easier than you think.
Okay, let's say you're doing ALL these things,
but you still aren't happy with your results...
Then, I'll ask you: Are you taking real ACTION? You may be taking the actions you are used to taking. But therein lies the problem: if you keep doing what you've already done then you'll keep getting what you've always gotten. It's a matter of practicing some new behaviors. Shake things up a bit and see if you can take new actions or modify existing ones.
Remember the Rule of 5. Every day do five specific things that take you toward your goal. Change up the five actions regularly and be open to feedback so you know when you're off course.
Lastly, I want to remind you about patience.
It's natural to underestimate how long a certain goal can take, especially a profound one. When I set a goal to become a millionaire, the year was 1983. How long did it take? Eleven years. It took time for Chicken Soup for the Soul to hit the bestseller lists. You could say our tenure on the New York Times list was more than a decade in the making. That's a lot of patience for someone who initially wanted overnight success.
So, yes, patience is a virtue. But keep at it, and in time, you'll be only one week, or one day away from your ultimate success.
Remember... be grateful, reflect on what IS working and continue to take ACTION!
Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: www.FreeSuccessStrategies.com
How to Survive the Credit Card Crunch
I really am learning a lot from Dave Ramsey . . . love that guy!
Listen to what Suzie Orman has to say:
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Financial Peace University
Dave Ramsey also has a TV talk show on Fox News Business channel, and he talks for real, doesn't pull any punches, he just tells it like it is . . . that's the kind of person I like.
Please check out Dave Ramsey's site and find out more about Financial Peace University. www.daveramsey.com
Post Debate Chat with Pickens
Dena P
My Entrepreneurial Side
Dena Peters
The First Presidential Debate
During the hour and a half debate, there was lot of chatter among the watchers, some more vocal than others. Chas mentioned at the start that we all needed to be respectful of each others' opinions, so, you know how that goes, there was a bit of controversial comments made.
Afterwards, Chas rounded up everyone for an open discussion on the debate session. Note that there was a republican-leaning on the attenders, although the democrats were there, which makes for an even more debating arena.
Other officials present were 3rd Ward rep Tobin Brinker and family and local community participant Tim Prince, who is running for Congress.
So we had a good open discussion, from senior citizens to the youth of our community. The main concensus was we did not hear much to change our minds--if we came in for favoring one candidate, we still felt the same.
Chas wanted to know if the group was up for the same type of event for the remaining debate sessions, as well as the VP debates, next time we will be meeting at Jersey's Pizza Parlor, a bigger, and cooler place, to be, as well as putting our monies into the local community.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
How to Wipe Out Overwhelm
by Alicia M Forest, MBA
Multiple Streams Queen & Coach
How often do you find yourself in this scenario?
It's Monday morning and you're all geared up for a productive week ahead. You've got your to-do list (massive as it is) at the ready and you sit down at your desk to start checking things off.
As you begin to read down your list, you start to feel something in your gut. It's not a physical pain necessarily, just a feeling of something heavy starting to grow. You ignore it and continue reading your list, making stars next to the things that seem to be the most important to get done that day.
But the more you do this, the heavier that feeling gets, until it starts creeping up to your shoulders and finally settles in your head. All that enthusiasm you had when you first sat down is gone and the only thing you feel now is utter and complete overwhelm.
Sound familar? I've been there, too, so I understand.
And it's not that all the tasks on your list aren't wonderful and/or doable. There are simply too many of them - and they all seem important right now - to expect that you can accomplish them all in the hours you have to work in any single day.
So what happens? You do a little of this, a little of that, and you really never complete a single project!
But you don't have to let another week pass without really accomplishing anything. Simply create a Priority Card.
A Priority Card will help you organize all your tasks in a way that will SHOW you every day what you should focus on. There are a lot of details that will threaten to take your mind off your priorities (this is where a virtual assistant can be of immense value), but those details are not necessarily what will move you forward in your business. To do that, you need to consistently focus on completing the projects that will move your business ahead big-time.
You can create a system for helping you focus on your priorities in a number of ways, but I'm going to give you mine. I only work about 8-10 hours a week on my business, so adjust your own plan accordingly.
At the beginning of each week, I choose 3 to 5 projects with looming deadlines (self-imposed as they may be) from my master task list (which really is so massive that I write it on a 8.5 x 14 legal pad). For example, at the moment, I am working on a bonus offering for a colleague's product, the Client Abundance Coaching Cafe membership, and a new website design.
On a colored index card, I write down those projects and prop the card in a standing clip holder, right in front of my computer screen. When I start to feel that sense of overwhelm, or when I find myself getting distracted by new ideas or other tasks (all of which seem important), I remind myself to look at my Priority Card and focus only on what's written there.
Once I started using my Priority Card, my own business growth lept forward ten times faster than when I was doing a little of this and a little of that, working on a dozen things, but taking much too long to actually complete just one project.
Know you won't be able to stick to this process 100% of the time, but even 80% will help you make dramatic strides in your business growth. You'll actually finish the projects you set out to do, and you'll not only feel great about doing so, you'll be inspired to do it again, and again, and again. Once you make this shift, you've learned the secret to wiping out overwhelm for yourself and your business!
Alicia M Forest, MBA, Multiple Streams Queen & Coach(TM) teaches self-employed professionals how to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. For FREE tips on how to create wild abundance in your business, visit www.ClientAbundance.comSaturday, July 5, 2008
Your 5 Step Plan to Turn Your To Do List into a Ta-Da! List
You've got big dreams and you know you've got what it takes to achieve them. You're eager to roll up your sleeves and start producing massive results. The problem is, no matter how hard you work, not much seems to get accomplished.
In fact, your To-Do list is a mile long and growing. You're constantly busy yet you get to the end of the week before you get to the end of your list. Important things fall through the cracks. And you're starting to feel frustrated, drained and overwhelmed.
You wonder how you'll ever achieve your big goals when you can't seem to dig yourself out from under this avalanche of tasks and 'have to do's'.
It's time for a To Do list Makeover. Let's turn that time and energy sucking list of "To Do's" into "Ta Da's!" you can smile about.
So what's a Ta Da! List?
A Ta-Da! list is results focused. It's a list of high payoff tasks, that when completed have massive impact on your level of energy, results and success. Completing items on your Ta-Da! List produces results that energizes and focuses you.
By contrast, a To Do List is a never ending list of everything you think you should be doing. Not all items are created equal--some are simple items to get done, others take major effort. A To Do list is full of busy work that feels heavy and draining.
Here is a 5 step plan to tame that To Do list:
Step #1: Focus on Your Top 3 Priorities.
Every Ta-Da! List requires a clear focus. At the top of every list you make, start with your 3 most important projects or priorities. Don't let your high payoff tasks get buried within a mile long list of 'this and that'. Clearly focus on the 3 priorities that must get done, no matter what else happens. Let this focus your actions.
Step #2: Start Dumping.
Filter your To Do List for things you can DUMP. Your first reaction is going to be "There's nothing I can dump!" But take an honest look. If everything is equally important then nothing really is.
What items on your list fall in the 'great idea' category but have very little payoff if you do them? What items have absolutely no consequence if you DON'T do them? (I ask myself: Is NOT doing this of Cosmic Significance?) What items are "shoulds" that you keep procrastinating on because they aren't aligned with your top priorities? Cross them off and be done with it.
Step #3: Delegate. Delegate. Delegate.
Identify anything and everything that you can DELEGATE to someone else (involve a family member, hire it done, give it to a team member, ask a friend or barter with someone to get it done). Retire the superhero cape and be honest: Does this task need ME AND ONLY ME to get it done? Is this something that someone else could help me accomplish? Once you're clear on who else can do the task, hand it off. If you're concerned it won't get done to your standards, set a 'check in' date to review progress and provide input. But commit to letting someone else handle it to completion.
Step #4: Defer anything that can wait.
Take another spin through your list. If there's anything on your list that doesn't have to be completed within the next 7 days, defer it. Put these tasks in your calendar for a future time. Just knowing you've created a time and space for them will free you up to focus on other, more important, priorities.
Step #5: Time Block the rest.
All that should be left on your list are those items that (a) must be done by you and only you, (b) are linked to a top priority item and (c) must be done within 1 to 7 days. Now block time in your calendar to complete them so that you know they will get done.
One of the biggest mistakes we make with our To Do lists is keeping them separate from our calendar. You end up with a 'to do' list the length of your forearm and a calendar filled up with commitments that aren't even on the list. That leaves you with no time to complete the items, skyrocketing your level of overwhelm and stress.
That's it. 5 simple steps to create your Ta-Da! List. I challenge you to test this process for the next 30 days. See how much more focused and productive you are. Oh, and get ready to take your bow!
This article may be reproduced, in its entirety, along with the following information:
© 2006, Shawn Driscoll, Succeed Coaching & Development. This article is provided courtesy of Shawn Driscoll, Career Success Coach and owner of www.succeedcoaching.com. Professionals: upgrade your work life today! We provide products and services to help you succeed at work, in business and in life. Sign up to receive your free Success Wise ezine--and get success tips, inspiration, and resources to skyrocket your success--at www.succeedcoaching.com.
10 Tips for More Effective Time Management
1. | Record how you currently spend you time to give you an idea of how you can utilize your time more effectively. |
2. | Use the time log to help identify what time of the day is your "prime time" so that you can plan those more important tasks around this time. |
3. | Plan Your Work. Work Your Plan! |
4. | Set a bit of time aside each evening to plan for the next day, you might; |
Think of it this way; that small amount of time you spend this evening will go a long way towards you feeling more in control for tomorrow. | |
5. | A question to ask yourself when you start something is "Why am I doing this right now". This will help for you to not waste your time, or another persons time. If you are procrastinating then it will help get you back on track. |
6. | Minimise the amount of times you handle each piece of paper as much as possible. Try to handle a piece of paper once only. |
7. | Don't be afraid to delegate. Delegate wisely and whenever possible. Refocus that time on more important tasks such as planning, brainstorming, goal setting etc. If it is for your own business take into consideration how much extra profit you could be making for your business for every hour you are not dealing with these tasks. |
8. | Identify your high-payoff items. By 'high-payoff items' I don't just mean profitable in dollar amounts, I am also referring to growing your relationships and fulfilling your spiritual needs. These are just as important to you, if not more so, as they will ultimately assist you in feeling more fulfilled and happier in life - isn't this what we are all working towards? |
9. | Set goals and sub-goals. Make sure you reward yourself for your big achievements. This reward can be through purchasing something you have been saving up to buy, or a vacation, or maybe an extra day off to do something you love. No matter how much you enjoy running your business everyone needs a much deserved RNR (Rest and Relaxation) day every now and again. |
10. | Work from a prioritised action list. This can be either an electronic one, or a handwritten priority list. There are plenty of electronic priority lists online and you can usually download a trial version to test whether it works for you. |
© 2008 Rachel Reeves, Proactive Admin Services. Rachel boasts 10 years Administrative Support, Financial Services and Executive Support experience. She offers her abilities globally through her Virtual Assistant business, Proactive Admin Services ( www.proactiveadminservices.com ). |
How Much is Your Time Worth?
Is it a Recession?
Friday, June 13, 2008
Welcome to Dena’s Tools and Tips
Businesses can effectively partner with a Virtual Assistant. You get the best of both worlds . . . an assistant whose main interest is your business and a cost-effective alternative to doing it yourself or hiring additional employees.
What is your time worth? Check out my services. When you compare the cost of doing the work yourself, hiring an employee or an independent contractor, you can appreciate just one of the benefits of working with a Virtual Assistant.
My Profile
I have been in the secretarial field for over 25 years in various office environments, and have acquired a diversity of administrative skills, from word processing to computer technology. While attending school to complete my bachelors degree in business management, I decided to plan to open my own business. I was so excited when I came across the Virtual Assistant industry, as I love what I do, and am looking to offer my services above and beyond the services I offer to my employer. Today, my time is valuable and I would rather trade my time for dollars and build my own business doing what I know best!
Credentials and References:
Bachelor of Science, Business Management,
9+ Years in Professional Corporate Businesss
What is a Virtual Assistant?
A Virtual Assistant (VA) is an independent entrepreneur providing administrative, creative and/or technical services. Utilizing advanced technological modes of communication and data delivery, a professional VA assists clients in his/her area of expertise from his/her own office on a contractual basis.
Benefits of a VA?
- You only pay for work done--no idle time
- No need for fully-equipped office space
- No payroll taxes; no employee benefits
- Extensive experience in specialized services
- Excellent resources and references
Who Can Benefit From Using a VA?
- Appraisers-real estate;
- Attorneys;
- Authors;
- Coaches;
- Consultants;
- Financial Planners;
- Insurance Brokers;
- Magazine Editors;
- Online Marketing Specialists;
- Publishing Companies;
- Real Estate Investors;
- Speakers;
- Trainers;
- Tele-seminar Hosts
My Hourly Rate is $30 per hour for all services. Services also provided on a rate (contractual) basis.
- Data Entry
- Forms (revised/created)
- Word Processing
- Mailing Labels
- Merge Letters
- Typing
- Policies and Procedures
- PowerPoint Presentations and Handouts
- Spreadsheets
- Brochures Flyers
- Newsletters
- Programs
- Schedules
- Internet Research
- Meeting and Event Planning
- File Conversions, including PDF files
- Graphic Design for business cards,
- Stationery, postcards,
- Invitations and announcements,
- . . . and more.
“Doing Business in a Virtual Way”
Please contact me via phone or email me with your business number and I will contact you at my earliest convenience.
Dena Peters
(909) 882-5666