Tuesday, December 30, 2008

One Small Step

A read to share as we bring in the New Year--2009!

It's that time of year to whip out your 2008 goal lists and review what was great about the past year and what you want to change for the coming year. Some people get excited when the year-end comes so they can create their new goal lists. Other people get frustrated by their lack of progress in the previous year.

Like I always tell my coaching clients, there are only three reasons to look back into your past.

1. Look at worked and why. Whatever process that made one area of your life work successfully can be used for success in another area.

2. Check out what is not working and turn it into a goal for the future. If you got into debt last year, decide that your goal this year will be to pay down some or all of that debt.

3. Celebrate any and all progress you made. Success happens one step at a time. Momentum is created and soon you'll have an avalanche of beautiful manifestations.

Creating new habits and practices to make manifesting your goals easier should be something you address. For instance, if you rarely take time out for relaxing during your work week, you'll need to implement a new relaxation practice. How will you begin this practice when you feel like there is never enough time in the day to get your tasks done? One small step at a time.

You may begin with sitting down and reading a favorite book while you eat your morning toast or drink your coffee. It may only be ten minutes of relaxing, but that ten minutes will set your mood and vibration in a higher state for the rest of the day. The next small step may be to take a ten minute walk at some point during each day. Or it may be to set a timer to go off every hour to remind you to stop what you are doing and simply breathe for a moment.

You see, most people tend to think they have to go for the gold medal the first time they try. If they don't succeed they say, "See it didn't work. Why bother?!" This is a set up for disappointment and judgment. Any progress is worthy of acknowledgment, even if small. When you're focused on what is working well, you get more of what is working well. If you focus on your progress never being enough, you'll never make enough progress.

Moving up the vibrational scale also happens one small step at a time. If you find yourself angry about a goal not manifesting, let it be okay that you feel angry. Next, see if you can embrace your anger. Then aim at feeling neutral. Next would be the feeling of possibility or hope. Eventually you'll find yourself in belief that your goal will be attained.

Small steps really can be the short cut to everything you desire. Add to that a big dose of pats on your back. Smile inwardly and outwardly when any progress is made and you'll be delighted at the massive amounts of joy and miracles you experience.

Cheers to a mega fun 2009! May you enjoy every small step!

(C) 2008 MasterPeace Coaching

Jeanna Gabellini, CPPC, Law of Attraction Expert, publishes the weekly ezine Designing Your MasterPeace. If you're ready to attract more money, a growing business, and great relationships with fun and ease, get your FREE tips and tools now at www.MasterPeaceCoaching.com

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