Saturday, July 5, 2008

Your 5 Step Plan to Turn Your To Do List into a Ta-Da! List

by Shawn Driscoll

You've got big dreams and you know you've got what it takes to achieve them. You're eager to roll up your sleeves and start producing massive results. The problem is, no matter how hard you work, not much seems to get accomplished.

In fact, your To-Do list is a mile long and growing. You're constantly busy yet you get to the end of the week before you get to the end of your list. Important things fall through the cracks. And you're starting to feel frustrated, drained and overwhelmed.

You wonder how you'll ever achieve your big goals when you can't seem to dig yourself out from under this avalanche of tasks and 'have to do's'.

It's time for a To Do list Makeover. Let's turn that time and energy sucking list of "To Do's" into "Ta Da's!" you can smile about.

So what's a Ta Da! List?

A Ta-Da! list is results focused. It's a list of high payoff tasks, that when completed have massive impact on your level of energy, results and success. Completing items on your Ta-Da! List produces results that energizes and focuses you.

By contrast, a To Do List is a never ending list of everything you think you should be doing. Not all items are created equal--some are simple items to get done, others take major effort. A To Do list is full of busy work that feels heavy and draining.

Here is a 5 step plan to tame that To Do list:

Step #1: Focus on Your Top 3 Priorities.

Every Ta-Da! List requires a clear focus. At the top of every list you make, start with your 3 most important projects or priorities. Don't let your high payoff tasks get buried within a mile long list of 'this and that'. Clearly focus on the 3 priorities that must get done, no matter what else happens. Let this focus your actions.

Step #2: Start Dumping.

Filter your To Do List for things you can DUMP. Your first reaction is going to be "There's nothing I can dump!" But take an honest look. If everything is equally important then nothing really is.

What items on your list fall in the 'great idea' category but have very little payoff if you do them? What items have absolutely no consequence if you DON'T do them? (I ask myself: Is NOT doing this of Cosmic Significance?) What items are "shoulds" that you keep procrastinating on because they aren't aligned with your top priorities? Cross them off and be done with it.

Step #3: Delegate. Delegate. Delegate.

Identify anything and everything that you can DELEGATE to someone else (involve a family member, hire it done, give it to a team member, ask a friend or barter with someone to get it done). Retire the superhero cape and be honest: Does this task need ME AND ONLY ME to get it done? Is this something that someone else could help me accomplish? Once you're clear on who else can do the task, hand it off. If you're concerned it won't get done to your standards, set a 'check in' date to review progress and provide input. But commit to letting someone else handle it to completion.

Step #4: Defer anything that can wait.

Take another spin through your list. If there's anything on your list that doesn't have to be completed within the next 7 days, defer it. Put these tasks in your calendar for a future time. Just knowing you've created a time and space for them will free you up to focus on other, more important, priorities.

Step #5: Time Block the rest.

All that should be left on your list are those items that (a) must be done by you and only you, (b) are linked to a top priority item and (c) must be done within 1 to 7 days. Now block time in your calendar to complete them so that you know they will get done.

One of the biggest mistakes we make with our To Do lists is keeping them separate from our calendar. You end up with a 'to do' list the length of your forearm and a calendar filled up with commitments that aren't even on the list. That leaves you with no time to complete the items, skyrocketing your level of overwhelm and stress.

That's it. 5 simple steps to create your Ta-Da! List. I challenge you to test this process for the next 30 days. See how much more focused and productive you are. Oh, and get ready to take your bow!


This article may be reproduced, in its entirety, along with the following information:

© 2006, Shawn Driscoll, Succeed Coaching & Development. This article is provided courtesy of Shawn Driscoll, Career Success Coach and owner of Professionals: upgrade your work life today! We provide products and services to help you succeed at work, in business and in life. Sign up to receive your free Success Wise ezine--and get success tips, inspiration, and resources to skyrocket your success--at

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