Thursday, September 30, 2010

I-215 News: Full Freeway Closure Direction Changed to NB for TONIGHT



The southbound full freeway closure scheduled for Thursday, September 30 has been changed to a northbound full freeway closure between 5th Street and Mt. Vernon Avenue. Crews will continue operations to remove temporary bridge structure on the Baseline Avenue bridge starting at 9 p.m. tonight until 5 a.m. Friday, October 1. 


To view detour information for drivers traveling northbound to access I-215 or SR-259, please click on the link below:

Please let us know if you have problems opening the attached PDF. If you know anyone who would like to receive the traffic advisories, please send their email contact information to us.

In addition, we are currently meeting with service organizations and community groups giving in-person presentations on the I-215 expansion. If you belong to an organization that would benefit from learning more about the expansion, please contact Carrie Gilbreth at (909) 886-8188.


Jane Dreher
Public Information Officer
San Bernardino Associated Governments

Follow us on Twitter at @215NEWS 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Downtown San Bernardino Streetscape Community Workshop & Open House, Now on Facebook: Downtown San Bernardino

Downtown San Bernardino Streetscape Project

Community Workshop & Open House

Thursday, September 30, 2010    11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

San Bernardino Economic Development Agency


Come out and learn about the Downtown San Bernardino Streetscape Project.  Let us know how you envision your downtown streets, sidewalks, and parkways being improved.  See the attached notice for more information.  We look forward to your participation!



Now on Facebook: Downtown San Bernardino


Downtown San Bernardino is now of Facebook.  Go to now and select "Like".  Each day, we will feature new news and deals for Downtown. So be the first to find out about all things Downtown.  Thank you for supporting us!



Senior Urban Planner


City of San Bernardino

Economic Development Agency

201 North E Street, Suite 301

San Bernardino, CA  92401

(909) 663-1044

Fax:  (909) 888-9413


Friday, September 24, 2010

CAJON Neighborhood and I-215 News: Traffic Advisory for September 26-30


We would like to inform you about an Interstate 215 traffic advisory taking place September 26-30.

Please let us know if you have problems opening the PDF. If you know anyone who would like to receive the traffic advisories, please send their email contact information to us.

In addition, we are currently meeting with service organizations and community groups within the project area giving in-person presentations on the I-215 expansion. If you belong to an organization that would benefit from learning more about the expansion, please contact Carrie Gilbreth at (909) 886-8188.


Jane Dreher
Public Information Officer
San Bernardino Associated Governments

Follow us on Twitter @215NEWS

Monday, September 13, 2010

FROM Dena Peters & Downtown Core Vision & Action Plan Newsletter #11 - September 2010 - SAVE THE DATE: Downtown San Bernardino Streetscape Project

Marketing Downtown: A Destination for Community, Commerce and Culture


Downtown San Bernardino: a place to live, work and play.  Continuing the effort to turn the Downtown Core Vision & Action Plan into a reality, the San Bernardino Economic Development Agency (EDA) is launching a full-scale, comprehensive effort to market and rebrand Downtown.  The first step: the creation of a Marketing Advisory Committee.


SAVE THE DATE – Thursday, September 30, 2010

Downtown San Bernardino Streetscape Project

Community Workshop & Open House


Come out and learn about the Downtown San Bernardino Streetscape Project.  Let us know how you envision your downtown streets, sidewalks, and parkways being improved.


 Read about both items in our latest newsletter and the SAVE THE DATE Notice, attached for your convenience.  Thank you. 




Senior Urban Planner


City of San Bernardino

Economic Development Agency

201 North E Street, Suite 301

San Bernardino, CA  92401

(909) 663-1044

Fax:  (909) 888-9413


Thursday, September 9, 2010

From Dena Peters re: Invitation from San Bernardino City Fire

Sharon Crawford
Northwestern District Crime Prevention Specialist
San Bernardino Police Department
From: Sedano_Ma
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 8:06 AM
Subject: Invitation from San Bernardino City Fire
Good morning,
The San Bernardino City Fire Department would like to invite you and your family to our annual Fire Prevention Week Open House.  This year's event is going to take place on Saturday, October 2nd, between the hours of 10:00 AM through 2:00 PM, at our central fire station, located at 200 E. 3rd Street.  This event is FREE to the public.
Fire prevention week commemorates the Great Chicago Fire - the two day blaze that killed more than 250 people, left 100,000 more homeless, and destroyed more than 17,000 buildings October 8 - 9, 1871.
At the same time SBFD would like to provide a fun-filled fire and life safety learning experience for the families of our city.  Teaching members of our community fire prevention and life safety skills is crucial to reducing the number of fire-related injuries and fatalities.
Please join us for Fire Engine Rides, Fire Escape Simulations, Pictures with our Mascot Sparky, and much, much more….
SBFD has a FREE smoke detector give-away program.  This program is available to City of San Bernardino single-family homeowners.  Please be prepared to show proof of residency.
For more information on the Open House, or to obtain fire safety information, please contact Manny Sedano at 909-885-8943.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I-215 Widening Project September 2010 Newsletter


Your September edition of "Cruisin' through Construction" is here! Please use the following link to open the email update of the Interstate 215 Widening Project in San Bernardino. 

Please let us know if you have problems opening the pdf or if you have suggestions for upcoming editions.  If you know anyone who would like to receive this bulletin each month, please send the email contact information to us.


Jane Dreher
Public Information Officer
San Bernardino Associated Governments

Follow us on Twitter @215NEWS