Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I-215 Widening Project March 2010 Newsletter

Your March edition of "Cruisin' through Construction" is here! Please use the following link to open the email update of the Interstate 215 Widening Project in San Bernardino.  

Please let us know if you have problems opening the pdf or if you have suggestions for upcoming editions.  If you know anyone who would like to receive this bulletin each month, please send the email contact information to us.


Jane Dreher
Public Information Officer
San Bernardino Associated Governments

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I-215 News: Traffic Advisory for March 28-April 1


We would like to inform you about an Interstate 215 traffic advisory taking place March 28 through April 1.

Please let us know if you have problems opening the PDF. If you know anyone who would like to receive the traffic advisories, please send their email contact information to us.

In addition, we are currently meeting with service organizations and community groups giving in-person presentations on the I-215 expansion. If you belong to an organization that would benefit from learning more about the expansion, please contact Carrie Gilbreth at (909) 886-8188.


Jane Dreher
Public Information Officer
San Bernardino Associated Governments

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Have to Share With My Bloggers

Wow, I was nominated the VAccolade (this stands for Virtual Assistant Accolade) award this week . . . I am honored! http://bit.ly/d1Jl3S --Thank you to my Virtual Assistant colleagues!

I-215 News: You're Invited - Informational Meeting on March 29 at 5:30 p.m.


Continuing our communication with area residents and businesses, Caltrans and SANBAG will host an open house on Monday, March 29 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., highlighting ramp and street closures from Massachusetts Avenue to University Parkway. It will be held at the Shandin Hills Golf Club located at 3380 Little Mountain Drive in San Bernardino. Project team members will be present to answer questions regarding this closure.

Open House Invite: http://www.sanbag.ca.gov/215/pdfs/03-29-10_openhouse.pdf
Detour Map: http://www.sanbag.ca.gov/215/215-construction/27thSt-detour_04-02-10.pdf

Please let us know if you have problems opening the PDFs. If you know anyone who would like to receive details on the I-215 Widening Project, please send us their email contact information.

We hope to see you there.


Jane Dreher
Public Information Officer
San Bernardino Associated Governments   

Follow us on Twitter @215NEWS

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I-215 News: Traffic Advisory for March 14-18


We would like to inform you about an Interstate 215 traffic advisory taking place March 14-18.

Please let us know if you have problems opening the PDF. If you know anyone who would like to receive the traffic advisories, please send their email contact information to us.

In addition, we are currently meeting with service organizations and community groups giving in-person presentations on the I-215 expansion. If you belong to an organization that would benefit from learning more about the expansion, please contact Carrie Gilbreth at (909) 886-8188.


Jane Dreher
Public Information Officer
San Bernardino Associated Governments

I-215 News: Business Meeting To Be Held March 18


Continuing our communication with area businesses, Caltrans and SANBAG will host the next business meeting Thursday, March 18 at 9 a.m. It will be held at the MIC Conference Room on the 6th floor of City Hall located at 300 N. D Street in San Bernardino. Project team members will be present to answer questions and discuss the latest information on the I-215 Widening Project.

We hope to see you there.


Jane Dreher
Public Information Officer
San Bernardino Associated Governments   

Follow us on Twitter @215NEWS